Amen SGT Report one of my top 50 podcasters for the past 6-7 years!!!

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It is true that there is a Global Agenda. It is not true that the "DemonRats" are CAUSING it. Fascists are driving this, the Globalist Elites of the United Nations are the perpetrators. It's called Agenda 21, a Fascist Manifesto couched in "Sustainable Development". This is a global coup. The outcome Global Totalitarianism with the UN in charge. Agenda 21 was ratified in the UN in 1992 so they have a 33 year head start. Climate Crisis - Lie, Covid 19 - man made, Raging fires - Directed Energy Weapons fired at Us! all of it is by design.

Read Agenda 21 for yourself. https://signal.group/#CjQKIDhBSAQQ_EXoHZUmReikOu9-WsXhu4ljw7txAcJDcOTfEhA-xHPmELGN-8j8GITJtNWl

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This is first person evidence of Agent131711 asertion of the great disapearing. I have seen it for myself, and made a podcast about it here:


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Never let a crisis go to waste. Rebuilding the California devastation will be pursued in accordance to the UN-WEF vision; accommodate for population density and mass transit needs.

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