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Ammon's perception that the water- rights issue will only result in farmer vs farmer wars, leaving the real govt perps unnoticed, is so important.

I seriously doubt his opinion that the problem is due to "incompetence." Maybe he's saying what he knows je has to.

Or maybe the fact that Bundy is the name of one of the elite families is pertinent.

Ar any rate water is the New Oil. And since almost no one seems to know this, I'd like to point out that literally half the worl's water issues from Tibet. So when you hear China apologists trying to justify their genocidal imperialist takeover of peaceful, hardworking Tibet, now you'll know not only that they're lying, bur why.

Yes, the CIA "supports" Tibet but duh, why might that be. Trust me, it's not because they and Tibet have even one little thing in common. It's all manipulation in the hopes of one day grabbing that most-valuable resource themselves.

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