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Another barn burner with Nathan Reynolds. He's a real God send. A beacon of light and hope in such dark times.

He really inspires me to dig deeper to find out more and then write about it, and also expose this evil.

For the divination, PYTHIA should also be noted. In Ancient Greece, Pythia (more commonly known as the Oracle at Delphi) was a high priestess, a seer, who made prophetic predictions about the future. She practiced her divination craft at the Temple of Apollo (in Delphi) and was often consulted by great leaders of the time, also for predicting war outcomes.

And for communicating with spirits in the angelic realm, JOHN DEE was way up there. He was the court astrologer for Queen Elizabeth I and used an Enochian table (and language - Adamic) to attempt communicate with God and angels, also with the help of his scryer Edward Kelley. I wrote a whole chapter on him for a book that I never finished; maybe, I should find time to continue writing that one.

Anyway Sean, I also prayed for your eldest son today and have faith that whatever he needs improvement for will come about. Prayer is powerful.

God bless you all.

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