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I know how we can take our power back. Please read what happened to me. I am trying to inject this into the conversation of everyone. It’s hard for even me to believe, but it’s a huge Revelation.

I have, since Jan/Feb 2016, had revelation of sorts brought on by synchronism of events. Previous psychics, an aura reader both with an aura computer and his own abilities, an astrologer, and even a pastor told me essentially there is something special I am suppose to do or pointing to that. One of the psychics told me specifically, I was suppose to create “Heaven on Earth” (and other things). No not their version…the NWO.

I thought I had no idea how to do that so I put it to the back of my mind…I thought, I would have to figure out money to do that. Then in a phone call with my sister-in-law in early 2016, she said “they’re saying the stock market is going to crash and we will be thrown into the stone age.” These words came out of my mouth “No…everyone just keep doing their job”. And I realized what that meant. The whole concept was in my head… It meant there is no money AND WE GET OUR POWER BACK. We the people create heaven on earth. The corporate government and all corporations dismantles itself and everyone starts doing things for humanity. Former institutions become functions but people have no authority over everyone else. It is cooperative not competitive. There are no controllers over us. It organically changes over time when people realize what is needed and what isn’t helping humanity. We change the rules. Whistleblowers will come forth and turn the people’s evidence. We change the rules. The US Constitution is a brilliant place to start. Morals and values need to be understood and the why that is necessary. The possibilities are many on what we can do. The goal is to make everything a nice middle class existence at minimum. No, it isn’t communism because that has played out in history as someone in charge of everything else…one group calling the shots.

There were several signs shortly after this Revelation that this thought was correct. The puzzle came up on Wheel of Fortune, “”This Place is Heaven on Earth”. Then I was driving along the river and a white dove was on the road in front of me, next to the sewage treatment plant, then he flew off. Then when I came back the other way and there he was again at the same place on the road but on my side. The NEXT DAY I took the same drive, and there he was again! I have never even seen a white dove in person before!

More recently around Christmas, I thought  I still wasn’t seeing enough people that have figured out what was going on in the world so I said “God, if you want me to tell people this you are going to have to give me a sign”. The next morning, I couldn’t believe it. I turned the TV on for breakfast and the clip in The Little Drummer Boy II came up. A stop action animated Zero Mostel (yeah I know he’s not a good dude) dressed as a Roman soldier said to the other soldiers…”you know there use to be no money “ and he starts singing “Money Money” ‘when they created money they created greed…”…and so on. Then later that day I flicked the TV on for dinner and Alex P. Keaton comes on teaching a class about the old barter system and then talking about his favorite subject…Money. It was just too weird.! SO THAT IS WHY I NEED TO INJECT THIS IDEA INTO THE CONVERSATION EVERYWHERE.

So I met with John Peterson at the Arlington Institute one lovely Sunday afternoon the end of April, to discuss this idea of no money (no crypto no anything). He just posted this Quartet interview regarding the subject (this is the edited version, which I didn’t watch, the full one is behind a paywall so I can’t send it).


This is what I want people to think about.

Thank you for your kind consideration,


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