The simple message of Jesus was 'HARM NO ONE.' If anything is told to you by the ‘church’ violates that law, then it is not Christian, it is false. One has the free will to violate this guidance, but Kharma quickly ensues ( it is sound advice for avoiding trouble).

God gave you the miracle of life to live it. Self-defence does not violate this law because God wants you to live free and multiply, not be a punching bag for tyrants. Dying without a fight helps neither you, your family or your community. Remember who you are.

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I don't want any digital. No dominant currency's. Bitcoin is valued in USD.

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For God's sake, DJT is a Jew. He converted in 2017. He is NOT going to stop usury and CBDC's. He will PROMOTE THEM. He also has every "attribute" of the antichrist, including over 160 jewish rabbis proclaiming him as Israel's messiah. Israel's messiah by definition, is the antichrist. Wake up people Please. The Great Delusion is in FULL EFFECT.

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